Catskill Brussels Sprouts Seeds


Catskill Brussels Sprouts seeds, a heavy producer of sweet & tender 1″-2″ brussel sprouts with a superb flavour. These sprouts are considered much tastier then the hybrid varieties. Ready to harvest in 90 days. Great for eating fresh or freezing. Try growing your own brussel sprouts from seeds this summer in your home garden.

Heirloom, Open Pollinated, Non Hybrid, Non GMO
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Catskill Brussels Sprouts - Heirloom - Open Pollinated - Non Hybrid - Non GMO | Vegetable Seeds Canada
Catskill Brussels Sprouts - Heirloom - Open Pollinated - Non Hybrid - Non GMO | Vegetable Seeds Canada
Catskill Brussels Sprouts seeds is a lovely dwarf variety that produces incredibly delicious brussels sprouts with superb flavour. These vigourous growing plants which grow to about 24" tall produce an abundance of sprouts, a very heavy producer. The brussels sprouts are large 1-2" across that grow on the sturdy stalks which have a cabbage like flavour, sweet and tender. Plants are very cold hardy and the sprouts will also get sweeter after a frost and cold weather. Come harvest time they are also very easy to pick. Excellent for both fresh eating or freezing. Ready to harvest in about 90 days.

The Catskill Brussels Sprouts variety was developed in 1941 by seed expert Arthur White from Arkport, New York.

Catskill Brussels Sprouts (Brassica oleracea)
Heirloom, Open Pollinated, Non Hybrid, Non GMO

Catskill Brussels Sprouts Seeds - Growing Brussel Sprouts From Seeds


Since brussels sprouts have its best flavour after a frost or cold weather direct sow seeds in late May to early June for a fall harvest. Plant seeds 1/4" deep with a spacing of 18"-24" apart, with a spacing between rows of about 36". Most importantly keep soil moist and ensure the soil is compressed around the seeds. Please note you can also start seeds indoors as well in seed trays or peat pots 4-6 weeks before anticipated transplanting time. Be sure to also provide adequate lighting for germination and for growing by placing the growing trays near a sunny window or using a LED grow light. Lastly be sure to harden off the seedlings before transplanting outdoors.

Growing Brussels Sprouts

When growing brussels sprouts please be careful when removing weeds so that you do not disturb the plants. If heavy winds are expected staking your plants will certainly be beneficial as it will provide additional support. As your plants grow remove the leaves from the stem that turn yellow to allow space and light for the sprouts to grow. Avoid overhead watering as well to reduce the chance of pests and diseases. Always water at the base of the plants. Lastly apply mulch to control moisture and control weeds.


Brussels sprouts are very easy to pick. Simply twist them off the stalk starting at the bottom. The sprouts should be about 1"-2" in diameter. Excellent eating fresh and they freeze very well also.

Buy Catskill Brussels Sprouts Seeds Today!

Try growing your own brussels sprout plants from seeds!
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